Mohs surgery is a highly effective and comprehensive skin-cancer-removal procedure. An unfortunate byproduct of Mohs surgery is the creation of gaps in the skin as a result of tissue removal. These wounds will typically be addressed with the help of skin reconstruction.

Reconstructive surgery restores the appearance of the patient’s skin back to how it used to be before the Mohs surgery. Correcting areas of missing skin tissue in order to restore the area’s normal appearance after skin-cancer excision is the primary reason for skin reconstruction after a Mohs surgery.

Kinds of Skin-Reconstruction Surgery

After ensuring that the skin cancer has been successfully removed and that reconstruction is required, Dr. Newman will decide on the type of skin-reconstruction surgery that will be most suitable for your case. The size of the tumor, depth of the root, and location will all be factored in when weighing the options.

Small and simple wounds will be left to heal by themselves in a process known as secondary-intention healing. Wounds slightly larger in size may be closed with the help of side-to-side stitches. Larger and more complicated wounds may be closed with a skin graft or flap obtained from other parts of the body or skin adjacent to the wound.

It can take up to several hours to repair the damage caused to the skin by the Mohs surgery. Complex reconstructions are spread out over many surgeries depending on the amount of tissue lost, as well as other factors.

The Procedure and What to Expect

At the start of your skin-reconstruction procedure, the region to be operated upon is numbed with the help of anesthesia. Dr. Newman then proceeds to close the wound in the manner required.

Flap techniques may require two reconstruction surgeries to be performed. The first stage creates and repositions the flap. The second stage separates the flap from its original location and blood supply. Once the patient has recovered and blood supply to the wound has been established, a second surgery may be in order to complete the reconstruction.

Sometimes, other techniques of reconstructive surgery may also entail more than a single surgical session to obtain the desired cosmetic effect. If you specifically want to complete the surgical procedures in one sitting, it will be important to bring this up during your consultation.

The Recovery Process

Recovery from a reconstructive surgery is not a long process. Smoking interferes with the body’s healing process after surgery and should be avoided. Those who undergo the flap method of surgery may be administered antibiotics to help them avoid infections. Fever, increasing pain, redness, and discharge are all warning signs that warrant contacting a medical professional as soon as possible.

Contact Our Office for a Consultation

Find out more about Mohs surgery and skin reconstruction – contact our office for a consultation with a qualified medical professional. Experienced double-board-certified surgeon Dr. Christopher Newman will be happy to tell you more about the procedures. He can answer any questions you may have and can show you before-and-after photos.