The world of plastic surgery can seem a bit overwhelming. There are so many terms, techniques, and procedures out there that seem similar but produce entirely different results. Certain procedures like abdominoplasty and the panniculectomy focus on the same area of the body, but they address different aesthetic and structural issues.

The abdominoplasty procedure removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall to create a tighter and more toned abdomen.

A panniculectomy focuses on removing the excess skin and tissue that droops down from your abdomen, as far down as your thighs or genitals. This “apron” of tissue is known as a pannus. The tissue is surgically excised and the remaining tissue is tightly sutured together to create a flatter abdomen.

Contact our office to schedule a consultation with plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Chris Newman. Dr. Newman can help you determine which procedure will best satisfy your aesthetic needs.