Weight loss can be achieved in so many ways and has typically involved dieting, exercise, prescription medication, surgery or a combination of these. Surgery, besides the considerable cost, is the most invasive and radical approach to weight loss and carries with it risks that some people are not willing to take-on. Further, many of the surgical options are only partially effective which is why some have been abandoned altogether. The many diet and exercise options available can be overwhelming not knowing which is best for you. A physician-directed approach to weight loss is a sound way to weight loss that is based on science and consistent results.
What is Weight Loss Management?
The secret to weight loss is not by focusing on weight loss itself, it’s focusing on wellness that includes all three components of wellbeing including hormone optimization (testosterone, estrogen, thyroid replacement, and growth hormones), prudent eating habits and reasonable activity or exercise. By addressing all three components, you can accomplish all health goals that may include weight loss, body building, increased strength, and muscle mass, increased energy, enhanced libido, and most importantly a reduction in overall mortality risk associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
How Dr. Newman can Help
Dr. Newman has experience in surgical and medical weight loss from over 10 years of practice and has acquired certification in Age Management Medicine. Having extensive training in critical care and nutrition for the sick combined with his experience in medical weight loss affords him an understanding of what works and what doesn’t while maintaining a healthy state.
As a certified physician in Age Management Medicine, Dr. Newman is an expert in wellness medicine with special training in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Hormone optimization, exercise training, and nutritional counseling. Bio-Identical hormones are hormones that are molecularly identical to the hormone that humans naturally make and therefore do not have the plethora of unwanted side effects found with those that are not bio-identical. Bio-identical hormones are available via pellets, creams, patches, injections, and pills. Which is best can be determined during your consultation.
Your Weight Management Consultation
Only a certified Age Management Medicine physician can provide patients with the proper guidance on how to achieve these goals. Traditional medicine provides physicians with the tools to treat disease. Age Management Medicine physicians have the tools to prevent and sometimes reverse disease. To get started on your custom weight management, contact our office and schedule your consultation with Dr. Newman.