Sometimes even the smallest of flaws can have a major impact on our self-esteem. Take the nose, for example. If you have a nasal bridge that is too wide or nostrils that are asymmetrical in appearance, it can have you feeling self-conscious when you look in the mirror or go out in public.
One of the more common nasal issues is the shape of the nasal tip. The complaint that a lot of people have is that their nasal tip lacks definition, which can make it appear rounded. This small aesthetic flaw is constantly in view and impossible to cover up.
Rhinoplasty can be performed to refine the shape of the nasal tip. These provide the recipient with a more distinguished and refined nasal tip that complements that shape and proportions of their nose and face.
As a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Christopher Newman focuses on precise work that satisfies the personal aesthetic needs of the patient while ensuring their health and safety. Let us help you feel comfortable with your appearance by contacting us to schedule a consultation.