Over time, the face can begin to lose volume, resulting in ill-defined facial features, fine lines, and wrinkles. While fillers remain a popular solution to restoring volume loss and smoothing out signs of aging, fat grafting can offer a more natural solution.
What is a Facial Fat Grafting?
Facial fat grafting involves the use of the patient’s own fat cells, obtained through liposuction techniques on a donor site such as the abdomen or thighs. Fat cells can then be used to restore facial volume loss, giving the cheeks a subtle, lifted appearance, smoothing out wrinkles and folds around the mouth, or used to fill in sunken under eyes. By using your own fat cells, there is no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection from the body, and long-lasting results can be achieved.
Who is a Candidate for Facial Fat Grafting?
Candidates for facial fat grafting must have enough excess fat from another area of the body like the abdomen of thighs. Those who experience facial volume loss with age can benefit from the fat transfer to restore youthful volume. A fat transfer can also benefit those with certain birth defects, reconstruct an area of the face after cancer removal, or fill in depressed scarring. Those who are already undergoing liposuction can utilize their own fat cells by combining a rejuvenated facial fat transfer. A facial fat graft can be done at the same time as another facial procedure to enhance results.
The Facial Fat Grafting Procedure
The facial fat grafting procedure begins with liposuction techniques to obtain enough fat cells for transfer. This will be performed under local anesthesia. Using small incisions in the donor area, a cannula is inserted. With a back and forth motion, the stubborn fat cells are broken up and gently removed and collected. The collected fat cells will then be processed so that only purified fat cells remain and are ready for placement. The fat cells are then placed in the target area, adding natural-looking volume to the face.
Downtime and Recovery
After a facial fat transfer, patients can expect some downtime when it comes to the donor and placement sites. In both areas, swelling, mild bruising, and discomfort can be expected. The head should be kept elevated for the first several days after the procedure. After a few days to a week, patients typically feel well enough to return to work. Swelling can linger for several more months, however, after this time patients can enjoy the results of their procedure for a smoother, rejuvenated facial appearance and the thinning benefits of liposuction in the donor area.
To learn more about the facial fat transfer and to find out if you are a candidate for treatment, contact our office and schedule your consultation with Dr. Newman.