What incisions can I expect for my breast augmentation?

One of the most pressing concerns facing women who are considering breast augmentation is the possibility of permanent scarring. Although it’s not possible to undergo this surgery without at least some visible marked, the ease of detectability will depend in large part on the exact location of the incision points. Some of the more common points of incision include:

Inframammary: This incision is made underneath the natural creases of the breast.
Peri-areolar: This incision is circular in shape and made along the outside of the areola.
Trans-axillary: This incision is made in the armpit.

Dr. Newman prefers to use inframammary incisions with a vast majority of his patients when they undergo breast augmentation procedures. In his experience, this incision point is conducive for a safe, natural, and predictable breast augmentation. In addition, these inframammary incisions have the added benefit of:

– Reducing the patient’s risk of needing another surgery
– Being hidden well underneath the creases of the breast
– Improving accessibility for the surgeon
– Lowering the risk for capsular contracture in comparison to other incision points

More details regarding inframammary incision during breast augmentation

Inframammary incisions are generally liner, 2 inches long, and run along a natural crease underneath the breasts. It’s through this incision that the surgeon will make a pocket where the breast implant will be placed. These incisions are sealed with internal sutures that don’t leave any marked on the outside skin and will dissolve with time.

In order to decrease tension that’s placed on the incision during the healing process, surgical tape might be applied over the incision points. Roughly 2 weeks after the procedure, a care program of the topical variety will begin on the incisions. This might include silicone gel sheeting and botanical cream to help the incision marks fade over time. If proper care is taken, these incision marks should heal into a thin scar.

When you attend your consultation, Dr. Newman will go over the advantages and disadvantages of all the different incision types to help you understand how the procedure will go and what you can expect your breasts to look like following the surgery.

Different incisions for augmentation with a breast lift

Any patients that undergo a breast lift while already having implants will need to undergo more incisions. While it all depends on the amount of sagging that needs to be fixed, Dr. Newman might use one of these following patterns:

Anchor Lift

An anchor breast lift requires an inframammary incision, a vertical incision from the inframammary fold to the base of the areola, and a peri-areolar incision. This is only used for breast lifts that are quite serious.


A short-scar breast lift doesn’t require incisions in inframammary folds and can be used with patients that don’t have as severe sagging. There are different variations to this option. The “lollipop” lift sees an incision made around the areola along with one vertical incision from the inframammary fold to the base of the areola. The “donut” lift only sees the incision made around the areola.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Newman today to learn more about breast augmentation.