Is excess, hanging skin and fat on your lower abdomen creating discomfort or preventing you from participating in certain activities? There are many reasons why excess skin and fat may develop in the lower abdomen, including age, genetics, pregnancy, prior surgery, and massive weight loss. A panniculectomy performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Newman can help to remove this excess tissue for a more confident and comfortable you!
What is a Panniculectomy?
A panniculectomy is a surgical procedure to remove hanging skin and fat from the lower abdomen, therefore creating a smoother abdominal contour. The excess pannus or “apron” can make it difficult to maintain good hygiene and can also make it difficult to perform physical activities such as walking.
Panniculectomy should not be confused with an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, in that the abdominal muscles are not tightened nor is the belly button repositioned during a panniculectomy.
Difference Between Tummy Tuck Surgery and Panniculectomy
Both a panniculectomy and tummy tuck surgery are cosmetic surgery procedures aimed at helping improve the lifestyle, function, and appearance of a person’s abdomen. A tummy tuck procedure is a more robust surgery that often involves going deep within the tissues of the abdomen to fix issues such as excess fat, loose skin, and muscles that have loosened or completely separated from the abdominal wall.
On the other hand, panniculectomy is a minimally invasive surgery that doesn’t result in much more than a mini tummy tuck scar following the procedure to remove loose, hanging skin from the lower abdomen.
Who is a Good Candidate for a Panniculectomy?
Individuals who have excess abdominal tissue that hangs down past the panty line often find that it interferes with movement and leads to rashes due to chafing and skin breakouts because moisture is trapped in the area. However, they may still have too much fatty tissue in the upper abdomen to undergo an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck. These individuals can often benefit from a panniculectomy procedure.
The Panniculectomy Procedure
During the panniculectomy procedure, a horizontal incision between the hipbones is made. The length of the incision will depend on the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed. Through these incisions, excess fat and skin will be removed. The remaining skin and tissues will then be pulled together and closed with sutures.

Loved the whole experience!! Dr.Newman was excellent I’m now looking into getting more work done. – Avais M.
Downtime and Recovery After Panniculectomy
During the initial recovery phase, you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort that can last several weeks. Proper care and medication can help ease these side effects. It is recommended that patients wear an elastic compression garment that supports the tissues as they heal. Avoid putting any pressure on the area for several weeks following this plastic surgery procedure.
Many panniculectomy patients are back to work within 2-3 weeks after the surgery. However, be sure to follow Dr. Newman’s post-op instructions, including avoiding strenuous exercise or activities, to ensure optimal results.
Panniculectomy in St. Petersburg
If you are interested in learning more about the panniculectomy procedure in St. Petersburg, FL contact our office today! Panniculectomies are not the same as tummy tucks, although both are highly satisfying procedures in their own right. Find out if this or another cosmetic procedure is right for you by calling our office or contacting us online today.